Super Convenient:
Order anywhere inside, curbside or parking lot of a store and skip the line. Refund at your convenience. Re-order your favorite items with just one tap. You can order remotely, pay cash or card at the register.
Paperless Technology:
Your purchases are stored in your device. You can sync them anytime in-store.
Super Fun:
Chat with the staff or with other customers. Share photos or comments.
Smart Notification:
Get real-time order status.
Sophisticated Security:
Utilizes data encryption and authentication to communicate with a Super Kiosk server nearby. Geofencing prevents fraudulent connectivity. Smart Kiosk requires no registration and does not collect personal information. All messages and conversations are cleared once a session has ended.
Works with IOS devices:
Compatible with iPhone, iPad or iPod with bluetooth or WiFi enabled. No internet connection required.